Huge news! Massive and exciting. I could actually pee.
I have received emails from Simon Kirby (Conservative candidate), Juliet Williams (Liberal Democrat candidate) and got a flyer through the post from Ben Duncan (Green Party candidate). The joy of it all.
Simon Kirby (Con) titled his email: 'HELLO', which I thought pretty friendly. He said he's been very busy, which I can understand, and he apologised for missing me (I think he meant in a oversight rather than pining sort of way) and said that it won't happen again. Great stuff.
Next Juliet Williams (LibDem). Actually it came from a chap called Paul Chandler (Election Agent for JW) who explained that she was too busy to write personally (...unlike Simon Kirby...those that read the runes amongst you could take that as a sign that Simon's got some spare time on his hands so he's either swotted up on all his pre-exam revision or he's given up). I was a bit disappointed. And no big cheery capitalised 'HELLO' either. Anyway, it went on, Juliet's been bsuy getting about the 43,000 households (that seems a little high), should receive literature by post shortly and he would send it personally but I didn't supply my address (or my street). Ahhh. That's true. I sent the same email to Simon Kirby, so how come he said he wouldn't miss me again...when he doesn't know where I live? Perhaps he has the Deluxe version of GoogleMaps or something...or was just fobbing me off.
Paul's personal remarks and clear logic made up for the lack of personal response from Juliet Williams herself (and the lack of the big happy 'HELLO').
And so the leaflet from Ben Duncan (Green Party). Haven't had a chance to pore over it yet but it's got a cracking bar graph on the back proclaiming that the Green Party are ahead across the city at 31.4% with Conservatives second on 22.1% then Labour 14.5%, UKIP 12.1% and lastly LibDems 10.2%. Gosh,for a minute I thought it was the latest Brighton-centric IPSOS-MORI poll results...but no. It was the city-wide (so I guess three constituencies) European election results June 2009.
Shucks - you had me there Ben. I shall digest the rest as I digest some Marmite on toast and a cup of tea.
What a day though. What a day!
[This post comes to you from James Holden - Blog Agent for Spratticus as he's currently too busy to do his own posts.]
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