2011 East Brighton Results

East Brighton - results
Election CandidatePartyVotes%
 Gill MitchellThe Labour and Co-operative Party205918%Elected
 Warren Gavin MorganThe Labour and Co-operative Party186217%Elected
 Craig TurtonThe Labour and Co-operative Party161614%Elected
 Alison GhanimiGreen Party9559%Not elected
 Peter BoothConservative Party9408%Not elected
 Chris SandlandConservative Party8267%Not elected
 Lianna EtkindGreen Party8157%Not elected
 Kelvin PoplettConservative Party8037%Not elected
 Pip TindallGreen Party6276%Not elected
 Paul Jonathan ChandlerLiberal Democrats3233%Not elected
 Bruce Graham NeaveLiberal Democrats2182%Not elected
 Bill NorthTrade Union and Socialists Against Cuts1421%Not elected
Voting Summary
Total votes11186
Num. ballot papers issued4045
Number of ballot papers rejected29
Number of postal votes sent1763
Number of postal votes returned1178
Share of the votes (%)
Gill Mitchell 18%Elected
Warren Gavin Morgan 17%Elected
Craig Turton 14%Elected
Alison Ghanimi 9%Not elected
Peter Booth 8%Not elected
Chris Sandland 7%Not elected
Lianna Etkind 7%Not elected
Kelvin Poplett 7%Not elected
Pip Tindall 6%Not elected
Paul Jonathan Chandler 3%Not elected
Bruce Graham Neave 2%Not elected
Bill North 1%Not elected

Rejected ballot papers
Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty26
Voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to3
Total rejected29