Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Politics Al Fresco style

OK, not technically Kemptown related and I know it’s a little old news, but just thought I’d remark on the Gordy & Dave’s recent (and separate) visits to Brighton. Obviously the sunshine on the south coast, the recent air traffic ban and the dour economy driving the ‘staycation’ were the main reasons for a visit to Brighton. Or maybe it was a spot of political schmoozing and palm pressing at Brighton & Hove Sixth Form College (The Gordonator Apr 16) and Varndean College (Monsieur Cameroon Apr 19). Take a guess.

The reason I comment is that I actually witnessed first hand the arrival of Gordon Brown (Brownian motion?) at Al Fresco Café on the seafront. I was with some friends on the beach and my friend Adam & I went to get some take away fish & chips for the family to eat from The Regency. (What? We’re in Brighton, that’s what everyone does right?) Whilst sitting outside in the sunshine, waiting for our order to be prepped, we witnessed what our colonial cousins might call a motorcade come zooming west along the seafront; police motorcycle outriders stopping traffic, three or four people carriers with blacked-outed windows and a shiny black Range Rover.

Out spilt a cluster of security personnel sporting trade mark grey pallor (maybe they’re chosen to blend in with Gordy), hangers on, press officers and assorted other coiffured types filling up the promenade outside Al Fresco. Then appeared the hulking, political titan himself and shambled into the café to meet assorted dignitaries and local bureaucrats including…Eddie Izzard. Odd. (As far as celebrity endorsement goes, I have to say, Eddie Izzard isn’t a bad one.)

We wandered back to the beach with our fish & chips, briefly stopped for a gawp at the political ‘great & good’…and then left them to it.

Didn’t witness first hand d’arrival of D’ave. I wonder if he has as much police traffic assistance and people with curly wires sprouting out of their ears? I doubt it as he is only the ‘Prince Regent’ at the moment. In fact on a recent Newsnight (I think?) piece on Cameron’s campaign, he took the covering film crew for a meal and beer at his local tapas restaurant in Nottinghill (my, the Tory’s war chest must be over flowing!). Not sure Brown could do that…or would do that…or that anyone would care to join him for paella and chorizo frito.

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