So, there's a local by-election to take place in East Brighton on 18 Oct 2012 to replace Labour councillor Craig Turton who has stepped down due to health reasons (The Whale wishes him well and a speedy return to full health).
So who are the movers and shakers in the running for what inevitably will be the most important by-election East the middle of 2012? (Twitter, Blog or Web links provided where I could find them. Oh and don't ask me why some have ages and others don't, that's just the way they were announced.)
- Sabiha Choudhury, of Blenheim Place, Brighton, who is standing for UKIP
We don't learn a lot politically from Sabiha's Twitter feed or (work) website - she's a freelance copywriter, she likes writing (so that's handy), she seems to be distressed by Mail Online readers' comments, which I would say is a bad starting point for a UKIP candidate...and that's about all. In fact, unless all her political pearls are being polished somewhere else on the Nitty-Net, she doesn't mention a thing about running in the up-coming by-election.
In the picture, I'm not sure what that blob on the right hand side is that's looming into shot. A Photoshop blurred image of Nigel Farage? I know I wouldn't want to be seen in the same room as him.
Tipster: chances zip to nil but 15 seconds of fame might get her some work.
- Carlie Goldsmith, 35, of North Place, Brighton, who is standing for the Greens
Unlike Sabiha, Carlie does Tweet politics. Quite a lot of politics.
She basically ticks all the boxes - grew up in Whitehawk, lectures at Kingston Uni in Criminology (community, youth and social inequalities), which could come in very handy in East Brighton.
In fact she'd be a perfect candidate for Hanover & Elm Grove were the by-election there, especially if she handed out small packets of home made muesli as she did her doorstep campaigning. But this is the badlands of East Brighton, not quite so in touch with their green tea and biodegradable bin bags.
Tipster: best of the rest and worth a punt although going is soft after local Green Party council in-fighting.
- Joe Miller, 18, of Lewes Road, Brighton, who is standing for the Conservatives
Yup, that 18 above isn't a street address, it is actually Joe Miller's age. Now I'm not one to be ageist, being incredibly youthful this the best that the Conservatives could do...really? A candidate that has never voted in an election before - national or local, that until recently would have needed permission to marry and who wears Tweed by a Whitehawk FC sign. I know William Pitt the Younger hit the top spot at 24, but that was back in the eighteenth century when average life expectancy was 39 years old!

Now apparently, this was the photo (the one with the moustache and cryptic sandwich board) that appeared on Twitter when Joe announced he had won the Conservative candidacy - yes Conservative, not the Monster Raving Loony Party! I really have nothing more to add regards that snap.
I also notice he has some Facebook friend called 'Samuel Giles Larson Disney' - now that's not going to help you in the current political climate, is it...unless you're running for the Monster Raving Loony Party.
Oh, and he needs to update his Twitter address on the Facebook page as it is incorrect. And I thought it was 'the kids' that were down with the tech?
Tipster: despite the omens of an 18 year old fighting an election on the 18th, this yearling will be lucky to make it round the course.
- Jon Redford, of Wolverstone Drive, Hollingdean, who is standing for Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts (TUSC)
There he is - Jon Redford - he's a smiley fella isn't he.
So enough about the positive...I find the TUSC campaign literature pretty tough going, sort of like reading the communist manifesto re-written by Ayn Rand. Still full marks for trying.
There is a Twitter account linked from the Brighton TUSC blog, but it doesn't seem to have been updated since May.
Tipster: Might receive backing from those confused souls who mistake him for Robert Redford, otherwise a distant last.
- Dominik Sokalski, 20, of Coombe Terrace, Brighton, who is standing for the Liberal Democrats
In keeping with the LiberalCon coalition, the Lib Dems have agreed to also field a very young candidate - Dominik Sokalski. He's a Sussex Uni first-year undergraduate studying economics. Perhaps it's the LibDem way of saying - 'You see, not all students despise us.' But beware, he could be part of a student sleeper cell!
Will the Liberal Dem conference in Brighton have raised his profile? Probably not as no-one seemed to notice or give a fig.
Brian Stone, chairman of the Brighton and Hove Liberal Democrats, said: “Dominik will show the people of Brighton East what a real councillor looks like.”
Yes I am sure he will Brian, as he points to the winner and says: "Look there's a real councillor."
Tipster: High hopes from the stable in 2010 but has produced lame runners at bigger events; expect to be booed all the way to the line.
- Chaun Wilson, of Downland Road, Woodingdean, who is standing for Labour
Labour's candidate, Chaun Wilson, has to be the front runner mainly as Craig Turton the former councillor was Labour and had a majority of 800 last time round (I think...not sure where that figure came from, I might have just made it up...actually just checked - c.650 over next rival, Green Party).
But this isn't a one horse race, still plenty of time for Labour to trip up and give ground to their rivals.
And great gnashers, no? But you know what they say - never look a gift horse in the mouth.
In fact Ed Milliband has some whacking chompers too. Maybe it's a prerequisite of getting on in the Labour Party.
Tipster: Bookies will will be crying into their crumpled ballot papers if this favourite romps expected.